Get to know me

I'm Townsend, an artist and nature enthusiast

Art has always been a powerful tool in my learning process, and I'm excited to start sharing it with you. Since I was a young girl, I knew I wanted my career to reflect what I love doing even though I didn’t know exactly how I would get there. Originally, I started my higher educational pursuits with a lifelong passion of marine biology, but life threw some unexpected curve balls and I had to adjust. Ultimately, I found a wonderful fit allowing me to integrate all my skills and passions. I’m still chasing dreams and I'm on a mission to create beautiful and accurate illustrations to educate, ignite curiosity, and nurture a sense of wonder in the natural world while also having a business that gives back to nature and humanity.

Over the years, I’ve learned to embrace the good with the bad and how failures and success are linked. My Tutu instilled the desire to always give back while still being uniquely me and having fun. Even when at the lowest of times, she was always there saying "Are we having fun yet?" to remind me to look for the good. It's become part of my daily mindset. I am just getting started, and now I enjoy the twists and turns in the journey. I'm so excited to see where I go from here as I keep evolving. When things get tough or I get stuck, I realize the power of my actions and mindset are the only things I can control, and then I hear my Tutu whispering Next

My story is always evolving

Are we having fun yet ?


Chief Morale Officer

Friendship Officer

Office Manager

lets CREATE together

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Green juice cred offal, pitchfork pinterest portland